Thursday, November 5, 2009

finally I finished my exam
anyway...I did badly in my exam today
but I don't's over

so after exam, I went lunch with my sister and Grace
then I went back to my uni
check airfare...OMG..taiwan is cheap
I want to go Taiwan
I've been dreaming to go Taiwan for ages
eiw....I'm persuading my father...
oh Dad, please bring us there..ok?

I went to the beach today
although it was cold
was fun having the wind blowing at me
but it wasn't fun when someone told me that there's a cafe nearby but we ended up like walking back to the city
it's located too far for the NEARBY cafe
I was so frustrated but somehow I cannot get mad coz I have to respect that particular friend due to some reason

anyway, when I was at the beach
I saw some birds
really very stubborn
the wind was so strong, it even can blown me away^^
the birds still fly in the opposite direction of the wind become still at where it started to fly
hahaha..what a cute bird.......

anyway...there's nothing much again today...
see you guys really soon^^
