Friday, February 13, 2009


hi there
im currently in Australia
touched down this morning and the time now here is 11.09pm..
3 hours ahead from Malaysia
i've been sleeping throughout the whole noon till now and am going to continue my dream after this post i should give a statement here which i can conclude today..
curse will forever more efficient than wishes..!!! too late for my february intake
all i can do is to enrol in july..
and im going back to Malaysia latest by April
sorry la guys you all 'white send' me... all need not send me again in July..
dont worry...

hmm...i dont really have the mood...
and i....really got nothing to say...
i miss someone...
i should have stayed and i should have fight for him...
stupid fella...always made the wrong decision...
or should say...always having the unlucky star with me...
this happen ever since someone left me...
i was in so a perfect life before... past tense now...

night guys!